Monday, January 4, 2016

Sweet '16

Full of promise, like each new day, the new year is fresh upon us!
Rather than a list, which I feel like I may have already run into the ground lately, 
I begin with this!
Simply Medallion 2016!
This is but a rough sketch, a place to start!  A Medallion this year instead of a BOM!
I made a list of elements I hope to incorporate, not exhaustive, always flexible as we go along!
Top of the list: Orphans!
This Prairie Rose block is a leftover from my MBS tutorial, and a very suitable center, I think :)
These bright Sunnyside triangles will make a nice border somewhere in there too...
Additionally, I would like to include some of the things that have been floating around the peripherals of my radar, things I don't necessarily have in mind for a whole quilt:

friendship stars, plus blocks on low volume, 4-patches, economy blocks, mini courthouse steps ala Molly Flanders, checkerboards, hourglass, flying geese, HST(of course!), diamonds (maybe) or Half Rectangle Triangles, delectable mountains using the big HST method I've seen recently. 
I foresee scrappy and bright overall!

Happy New Year all!
See you down the road!!!!

Linking this crush up with Main Crush Monday@Cooking Up Quilts :)


Lara B. said...

That will be one amazing quilt Sarah! Your list of floating peripherals is so long I had to chuckle. Beautiful, beautiful photos!

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

Yum, those triangle blocks! Can't wait to see where you end up on your medallion quilt, it looks like such fun! Thanks for linking to MCM. :)

Gina said...

Great idea to use those orphan blocks! I think it will be amazing!!!!!!

Bonnie said...

Nice idea to incorporate orphan/s and blocks you want to try. I may have to get my colored pencils and graph paper out. Or, I could just finish some UFOs instead.

Mari said...

Very pretty! Sure to end up colorful and fun.

Jayne said...

This will be amazing! Love all the elements you have in your drawing and especially love those adorable triangles!

Kate said...

Beautifully done! It's going to make up beautifully!

Lorna McMahon said...

Sounds like a lot of fun stitching! Looking forward to seeing your progress! And Happy 2016!!!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I like your Medallion plans! It seems very fitting to have a Prairie Rose as your centre. This will be a fun quilt to work on.

EmileeHope said...

Love it! I hope to make a medallion quilt-I'd like to say this year-but it may be awhile still-love your plans!!

Shelina said...

That medallion looks really cute. Looks like a great project for the new year.