Friday, October 11, 2019

Q4 Finish-A-Long List!

I promised myself I wouldn’t bewail the rapid passage of late Summer into Fall and only took about 2 weeks in my neighborhood!
This is actually our second snowfall!
Sew! Onto the this rate, 3 months will go by quickly, but it looks like I will get good sewing weather!

1. Mountain Reflections
This top has been finished since Spring! With batting ordered and backing/binding already on hand, my hopes are high for this one!

2. Baby Stars
For my sweet cousin, expecting her first, January 1st!!!

3.Simply Flying
Seriously, this one simply cannot be carried over into the next year!!!!
Polar fleece backing and a DS binding on may be the FMQ factor slowing this one down...time to grab it and growl!!!

4.  Simply Medallion
Contrary to this picture, this top is and has been finished for awhile now...and yes, backing is on hand...I finally know how I will quilt this one, which is destined for my bed, so it is game on!

5 & 6.  Prairie Rose Remix x 2

One large, one small, these were a fun Moda Bake Shop project earlier this year...I owe it to them and to Moda to finish these!  Again, backing is on hand! 

7. Meadow Mist Mystery Quilt
This is the oldest WIP on my admittedly ambitious list, started in 2016.
I chose these solids based on a couple beautiful hanging baskets of petunias given to me by a wonderful Amish family back in Indiana.
I ordered the fleece for the backing yesterday, and hope to give this to that family!

I think that is it for me this quarter!
 I hope you all have the opportunity to get a few more finishes out of the WIP pile!
The Q4 list linky is open through October 18th, so please join us!
Good Luck!!! 


Shelina said...

You are scaring me with pictures of snow so early in the year! It has taken a turn to chilly here, but no snow, hopefully for a long time yet. Your quilts are pretty - I wish you the best with your goals.

Yvonne M. said...


Please oh please enjoy a real winter for me!!!!!!

I am a Montana native who has been in Indiana due to job move a life time ago. My husband and I are both from the area between Red Lodge and Billings. The humidity in the summer here is horrible and the winters are more ice and gray dreary skies than cold and snow.

Enjoy the beauty of those snow covered Rockies for me. Nothing like sewing, drinking hot chocolate and being able to see the gorgeous view of those mountains. Inspiring.

SarahZ said...

Oh Yvonne! Move back!!! You won’t regret it! We moved here FROM southern Indiana! I know ALL about the miseries of Hoosier weather!! Come back!!!!! :) (I would have replied to you personally, but I couldn’t...”no-reply blogger” 😩)

Kate said...

Gorgeous quilts on your list for this quarter. Hopefully you've made lots of progress on your 4th quarter finish along list.