Monday, January 25, 2016

Happy Birthday to Greg!

Lack of pillow forms not withstanding, here they are!
Started the first day of this year, these two pillows have been a fun satisfying challenge with which to begin the quarter and the year!
I copied the quilting on the Modern Circle pillow as best I could from the original, using a matching brownish-grayish thread, lots of ditch-stitching.  It finished up right at 18 inches square. I had some fun with the envelope back :)
My adaptation of the Twisted Craze pieced up nicely, but when it came time to quilt it, small inaccuracies were not making for a nice quilted rather than continue on with so-so results, I unpicked Sunday afternoon the few lines of quilting I had done and simplified. I kept the stitching to the larger gray blocks and center, leaving the more intricate corners without stitching, which, as it turns out, is more in keeping with Greg's expressed blase over too much quilting (?!) on a cushion :)
This one measures right at 21 inches square. I had some more fun on this envelope back as well :)
While Greg has been "in the dark" about these cushions, he knows I have been busy on his account! I gave him some preliminary fabric choices for both cushions, first his current favorite, the Cotton and Steel/Melody Miller citrony green print. And later, he chose the burnt orange when presented with a small stack of options, which ironically did not include the orange. Chosen from a Lotta Jansdotter print in Follie. 
I have enjoyed quite a nice "Fabric Flow" from Greg over this past year as he has shopped for cushions I would make for him. So this is a start on my part!

Happy Birthday to my brother-in-law and number one "partner in fabric", Greg!!! 

Linking up with: 
Beth @ MainCrushMonday
Lorna @ Let's Bee Social
Amanda Jean@ Finish It Up Friday



Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

A wonderful way to show appreciation for Greg's assistance and support. I like the quilting you ended up using on the orange/red one Sarah. Love the designs for both the fronts and backs of your pillows!

Lisa J. said...

These are really beautiful. I really love the gold version. Great work and a Q1 finish to boot.

Granny Maud's Girl said...

You did have fun on the backs, and the results look great. The backs are as much of a feature as the front.
I imagine the red/orange one was hard to piece, but the effect is stunning. It reminds me a little of a very fiddly Dear Jane block!

Bonnie said...

Sounds like a wonderful symbiotic relationship! Great cushions.

Paige said...

I really like the modern circle and your fabric choices! Both are beautiful and extra details on the back are perfect!

Jayne said...

I just love your pillows! The designs are bold and graphic, your fabric choices and the envelope detail is perfection! Well done!

Lorna McMahon said...

Both of these cushion covers turned out beautifully, Sarah! Those modern designs are quite striking and the backing details are perfect. Very nicely done!

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

Huh?? Too much quilting? I think I mis-heard.... :) Both those pillows are fantastic! I love how graphic they are and that special touch on the back is primo. These pillows are sure to be loved! Thanks for sharing on MCM.

quiltmania said...

Great gifts. I'm sure he will love them!

Cut&Alter said...

These are just gorgeous - I love your piecing in the Twisted Craze one.

Lara B. said...

Such striking and handsome graphics Sarah! Greg is gong to love them! You did an awesome job with the sewing and construction too.
You made me laugh that Greg chose the orange from a small stack of options that did not include the orange. I love that he is so into fabrics!

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Love those wee squares on the back... lovely, lovely pillows!

Shelina said...

Wow these are gorgeous pillows! Love the graphical quality of this, both front and back.

blockMquilts said...

I absolutely love these pillows with their minimalistic designs! And I know too good how it feels to rip out quilt stitches... Well done, Greg will surely love those!!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Happy birthday to Greg! Im sure he will greatly appreciate these.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

These cushions are fabulous and I love what you did on the backs!! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.